Monday, January 24, 2011

Gone Bananas!

It's been a struggle these last weeks, probably month to get Cody to eat anything besides snacks.  His appetite used to be pretty good and even though i knew his weight was on the lower side I knew he was still eating and drinking a good amount of milk, so I didn't worry too much.  Well his appetite has decreased tremendously, he doesn't eat meat, avocados, or bananas anymore and even if he eats something one day it doesn't mean he'll eat it again the next!  His snacks consist of fruit (grapes and berries), cheese, goldfish, ritz crackers, cereal (cherrios or cinnamon toast crunch), and every now and then uncrustables.  It was first his skin that was causing all these problems and stress in our life and now that we have that under control, its his eating habits.  Everyone keeps saying its a phase and when he's hungry he WILL eat but it still drives me nuts!  Not only did his eating habits go down but since I've switched him to a cup he no longer drinks the same ounces of milk he used to either.  I'll be lucky if I get him to drink at least 6 ounces for the whole day.  I'm hoping he will start to get used to his milk in a cup or we'll be in big trouble! 

Quick update:  We've been taking advantage of the weather and going to Dland and playing outside still!  Cody threw up all day yesterday and diarreah all day today.  I'm hoping it's just some kind of stomach virus and will pass soon enough.  He was miserable yesterday, he thew up 8 times, changed him into 8 diff outfits, stained the carpet orange and ruined 2 suede couch cushions.  Besides the whole being sick part it didn't hurt that he only wanted ME!  Thats prob one of the best feelings in the world;  knowing you child needs/wants only your comfort when feeling under the weather.  Also it was nice to have cody laying around all day rather then destroying the whole house!

**I can't remember this exact day but for some odd reason cody wanted a banana or "nana" in his words and usually when he says it or points at it he doesn't really want to eat it but this night he ate the whole thing .. and fed it to himself!  And what's funny is he hasn't eaten a banana like this since!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

already thinking about summer ..

stolen from joann doan i absolutely love this outfit for summer!!!!  Must find everything in this picture! I will update when i find each piece!

should i get this as one of my summer shoes??

my new flats from ALDO (ONLY $40) and my first outfit with them! (excuse the bedroom mess)
Jeans-pacsun on sale $19.99
Top- fashion young $12
Belt- nordies $20

Friday, January 14, 2011

Goodbye rain Hello sunshine!

So last weekend we finally made it to VEGAS to visit my brother and his apt.  I love it out there where he lives and his apt is pretty nice!  I can't wait till we can move out of my parents and into our own space we can call OURS!  I don't have many pictures due to the fact that cody hates taking pictures these days and because he was a little fussy and monstorous while we were there.

So back from vacay and the weather was looking so much better! I had work on Monday so my mom watched cody for a couple of hours.  Work has been so slow but its a given that every beginning of the year gets really slow and doesnt start to pick up for a month or 2 into the new year.  I'm still working 3 days a week but tips have been cut in half on all my shifts which is really bad.  Later that night me and Cody went to visit auntie jo to get our late xmas gifts! Thank you for our shoes lover!!  Cody was being so silly there, thinking the horse was a dog and going in and out of the iron bars!  Didn't stay long because she lives in OC and i was getting tired to drive home.

Tuesday came around and when i woke up guess who was home?  Mr. Chiem had gotten released early from jury duty so we decided to do my errands we had planned and take cody to play at the park.  We got a long overdue carwash (hope it doesnt rain), had banh mi for lunch from lee's, and ate in our car at the park while waiting for cody to wake up.  Cody loves the park, I only wish he was a little more stable on his own to climb up and down stuff without falling.  I'm always so scared when hes walking up the steps to get to the top that he might fall off the sides or something.  I end up following him at all times up there which kinda defeats the purpose of letting him run free here.  One day hopefully sooner better then later he can be completely free at the park.

Wednesday we woke up and instead of his usual bottle and cartoons that he usually has we went straight for bfast!  I don't know why but tday i felt brave and decided it was gonna be the day to get rid of the bottle cold turkey!  I gave him his cup w the straw full of milk w his banana crumb muffin that i made the night before and surprisingly he drank half the cup of milk.  So i thought we might as well continue this for the rest of the day and although his oz. of milk decreased by more the half the first day without a bottle wasn't as bad as it has been when i tried in the past.  We ended up going to the park at the end of my street instead of the park on Huntington.  I had work at night so i missed his dinner but was home in time before he went to sleep.  Cody's appetite still isn't the same as before butI'm hoping it's just a phase and will pass soon!

Thursday is today .. woke up same routine w bfast and no bottle!  We got ready to go to costco to get some more blackberries, Cody loves these and Costco sells them for pretty cheap and a large quantity.  Had to drop something off to my mom at work, went to corner bakery for lunch (had loaded potato soup) and walked around old town a little.  Cody was getting a little fussy because it was almost nap time so didn't stay for long.  As soon as we got into the car he knocked out.  Came home fed Cody some lnch because he didn't eat much at corner and waited for it to get a little cooler so we could go to the park again.  I've been def. taking advantage of the nice weather we've been having to let Cody play outside.  He seems to have this new fascination for birds because everytime we see them flying or around us he always says "bah" meaning bird.  Today the field next to the playground at the park was filled with birds.  The entire field of grass was covered by birds and Cody of course ran through the field and scared all the birds away.  He fell a couple times in the mud in the grass so decided to give him an early bath.  And me trying to be brave again wanted to try to buzz his hair again because it had so many uneven patches from his last buzz.  Not a good idea! He hates getting his hair cut .. and cried like a maniac and now we have patches in diff places then last time.  So i think I'm just gonna let his hair grow out again and no more cutting for a little while.  I've decided i want to try to eat healthier and try to diet a little because I feel FAT.  Went to trader joes and got some stuff for Cody and I, then to fresh and easy for some nuts!  I will show you a pic of that next time, too lazy to upload now. 

Well i will end this long and everlasting post with pictures from the week!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

catching up on pictures from the holidays and some recent

These were from the xmas lights we went to see in alta loma the day after xmas.  Most of the houses still had their lights but some of the really cute ones didn't. ):

These were a couple of cookies i baked for the holidays!

 first time making gingerbread .. very strong flavor but pretty good!

 choco-pnutbutter blackberry jam cookies!! delish!

Special mocha crinkles that i make every year!

The rest are random throughout the holidays .. disneyland on 01/04/11 .. and pics from today!

 Cody was being shy on small world
 Having a tantrum because i made him come inside the house from playing outside